Crestron simpl timer once a week
Crestron simpl timer once a week


Countless people have encouraged me, from the very beginning, and I have had a chance to help other people get into it too. I am so grateful that for some reason I decided to start running a few years ago. I started to tear up from joy and sadness at the same time. This was my last race for awhile and it hit me with those last tenths of a mile. Every time I get an email from or other race sites telling me about the races coming up, I do get a little sad. When I start Nursing School in January, my life will change completely. That is pretty amazing, considering I was scared to run a 10K in 2007 (My first ever race).


Since then I have run 6 Half Marathons (Tallahassee, Philly (2x), Nashville, Disney, AC), 3 Full Marathons (NJ, Philly, Disney), and 2 Ultras (20 in 24). My first Half Marathon was in Feb of 2009. This might be my last entry and I wanted to give an overview of what I have learned since I ran my first mile in my first race. This blog has helped me find gratitude and love even in the most painful situations. I remember when I had tear away fliers in the Cancer Center at Penn (where I was working at the time) to promote the blog and the amount of support I got from the patients and my coworkers. I started this blog in 2009 when I signed up for my first full marathon to help me raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training and I have kept it going since. It turns out there is a lot more that I had to say overall about the impact running has had on me.


Time for a change.Īs I was finishing my AC update I started typing and words began to pour onto my screen. I used to loath running in HS and college when I had to do it and now that I have not in close to a year.makes me sad. I had to get it out there, I miss running. I wish there was a 10K or something similar the end of August or a Half marathon for Dec/Jan. If I were to commit to that I would have to be 100% sure I will not miss any weekend clinic (which I have not done yet) but I am hesitant to make that commitment until it is closer to the race. I have off from school but it is my clinic make up day, in case I miss one of the other weekend clinics in the fall. Philly Half in November is 110 I think and the full is $130.

crestron simpl timer once a week crestron simpl timer once a week

3 weeks with just work and NO SCHOOL, so clearly I am trying to find a race I can sign up for to ensure motivation to get out there and run!! I will be around mid September for the Rock N Roll Half marathon, but the entry fee is close to $100 at this point. Tonight I took my last final for this semester and am looking at 3 weeks off until classes start again. I am freaking antsy!!! I feel an urge in my stomach to run and have been able to a couple times the past couple weeks. OK I have gone over 9 months without posting and almost 10 months without running a race.

Crestron simpl timer once a week